Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So let's be honest, I don't really have the time to be posting to my blog seeing as I only have two and a half weeks left of the semester! It's been awhile as per ushe so let's update...

I've picked up a new Monday night hobby: 
Country Swing! 
One of my residents offered to teach us for a program!

I got my hair highlighted for the first time ever!!! 
And I'm trying to grow it out...

For Spring Break I went on a trip to California with a few of my friends/co-workers! We drove each other crazy in the car but I think we are all closer as a result whether we wanted to be or not!

The day at the beach was AMAZING! We don't get this kind of weather in Logan!

My best friend in the world got engaged recently and I am so happy for her! 
They are tying the knot August 18th! Congratulations Katrina and Preston! Love you guys!

I finally got to go to City Creek! They have a Tiffany & Co. which makes me oh so happy!

I wouldn't have gone if it wasn't for a sweet boy named Daniel Watts! 
Here's us being adorable on Easter Sunday!

So there's my last few months in pictures... I can't wait for summer though! Hopefully I'll be taking a few trips and get some time to relax! 6 weeks in Thailand, a weekend in Vegas and a few concerts? Yes Please!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Vegas Baby!!!

So I just barely changed my information to say that I am 21 on this page... man I'm old! Haha! But to celebrate this lovely fact my best friend and I decided to take a trip to the happiest place on earth...
JUST KIDDING! ...we went to Vegas!

Before you go getting all kinds of crazy ideas let me just tell you that we only drank sprite cranberries and lost only $3.44 on the penny slots! Which in my opinion is a win all around! 

                    Our main reason for going was to see the Beatles LOVE show which was Amazing!
They asked to see our IDs for everything! Even our virgin drinks at the show!

The weekend following our trip which would be this past weekend my best friend, Katrina Harper, got baptized into LDS Church! She asked me to sing and I ended up crying like a baby! It's that darn song about rainbows I tell ya! It does something to me! It was a wonderful baptism and I am so happy for her! I love her so much and it was such an amazing experience to share with her! 

And one last thing... I just spent six bucks on the smallest box of dark chocolate covered almonds the other day all thanks to Laura Snow for giving me some so that I would crave the most expensive snack ever! So I just thought I would give a special thanks to her... that is all.

Friday, December 16, 2011

My staff went out and got some staff pictures taken! Then my boss put them together in this adorable holiday greeting collage!
Happy Holidays Everyone!
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Friday, November 11, 2011

Another Homework Post...

So even though this is for an assignment I wanted to keep things interesting...

This is from my Aggies Think Care Act program!
They show this video in the Freshmen Connections class to try to create an epidemic for change

I had the girls on the floor do their own!

Friday, November 4, 2011

So... unfortunately I am only blogging again because it is required for my instructional technology course but you might actually be interested in this one, who knows! I was required to upload pictures through picasa so I chose some pictures from this semester showing some fun things that I have been doing!

This first one is of Christie, Elliot and I just doing homework out in the grassy area by our resident halls. To bad it is freezing now and we will never get to do this again!

Next we have a lovely picture from the 80's dance...

Here's the gang at an Aggie football game! They try so hard...

And last we have me in my natural habitat of working for housing! This basically consumes my life but luckily I work with amazing people so I don't mind it so much! This is at one of our programs...
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Friday, September 30, 2011

Institutions 4015

For my Institutions 4015 course I have chosen to follow a couple educational blogs. The ones that I have looked at are:
This is a blog from a class of 9-11 year old students from New Zealand! I love the idea of viewing blogs of classes from around the world to see other's perspectives. The purpose that I see from looking at this blog is to share ideas from her classroom as well as keep her readers updated on what the students are involved in. I would love reading this blog just to get ideas from different cultures.
I really love the idea of a class blog like this one. It is a great way to keep parents involved in the schooling as well as a way for students to know what events are coming up as well as teach them all about blogging and  how helpful it can be to create and follow blogs. They also have a reading and writing blog where they can post writings or listen to audio books which I love!
This blog is another one from a class in New Zealand. Through this blog they are able to share what they are doing in school which again is a great way to keep parents involved in the learning as well as sharing their culture with future teachers like myself around the world!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fine Dinning and Other Things...

Most days in Logan I eat at the lovely Marketplace but on Friday, before heading home for the weekend I decided that a nice lunch at The Junction bum bum bum....
They were serving sea and the set up made it look so fancy that I had to try it out. Clams and Shrimp.
When they were cooking it before me it smelled so devine that I was sure that my taste 
buds were in for a treat! First time trying clams... and last time trying clams. 
It's ok though because right after I got to drive home to Salt Lake with Elliot! His parents are going on trips for the next forever so he wanted to go see them before they left and go to dinner with them for his mom's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORI!!!

These fine pieces of work are dragon tails that my very talented mother fashioned up for my niece and nephew. I wish I had a picture of them wearing them because they are so adorable! My mother is so amazing!

Speaking of amazing family members... I got up to see Laura run in the Salt Lake Half Marathon! And just for the record, wearing a sweatband with pink polka dots does not make one stand out in a crowd . . .
I don't think she even saw this sign that I made for her-- but she can see it now after the fact! She never ceases to inspire me and I look up to her so much!